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Nandrolone phenylpropionate, NPP

We inject only a little of the sample, no more than the amount of test reagent inside the glass ampoules. The color change after injecting the sample does not mean anything yet, we need to do UV test. Notice the yellow green fluorescence in vial B and violet fluorescence in vial A under 365 nm UV light with GSO oil as carrier. GSO oil absorbs fluorescence and has different properties as MCT oil. Notice the blue fluorescence in vial B and violet fluorescence in vial A for MCT oil. But it does not matter what oil you use as a carrier if there is fluorescence it means presence of hormone. No fluorescence means no hormone inside. It is not general rule that fluorescence with MCT and GSO oil will be different in each case. Some steroids are effected some not.

It is simple pass or fail test. Any discoloration under day light will mean that the sample contains other chemicals.

Initial colors for MCT oil and raw powder.

Initial colors for GSO oil and MCT oil.

Raw powder under 365 nm UV ligh, left vial A, right vial B

MCT oil as carrier under 365 nm UV ligh, left vial A, right vial B

GCO oil as carrier under 365 nm UV ligh, left vial A, right vial B

GCO oil as carrier under 365 nm UV ligh, left vial A, right vial B

MCT oil as carrier under 365 nm UV ligh, left vial A, right vial B

Raw powder under 365 nm UV ligh, left vial A, right vial B