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Primobolan test

We will use three different samples, GSO, MCT oil and raw powder. Notice each time different initial colors, which is not indication of hormone presence yet. We need to do UV test, you take 365 nm UV light point at the glass ampoule and it will produce fluorescence. Different samples will produce different fluorescence colors. You cannot determine if your sample contains hormone without the UV test. Watch the colors carefully and you will know if your sample contains primobolan if they match. Also you need to make sure if you have indeed 365 nm UV light if you did not buy it from labmax. There are a lot fake 365 nm UV lights if you bought from eBay or Amazon. If you do not have proper UV light the test will not work.

Each time you drop only a little of your sample, notice that there is only a little of test reagent inside. You drop less. Notice that there is significant difference for sample based on MCT and GSO oil. Not all steroids have such significant difference for different oils, some will look the same no matter what oil you use as carrier.

This is two stage test you use vial A and confirm test results with vial B, both contain different test reagents. This process makes the test very reliable.

Just after dropping samples. Notice that sample with GSO oil is darker but at this point it is not indication of hormone presence until we do UV test.

No initial color change for raw powder in both vial A and B.  

Left vial A, right vial B under 365 UV light, sample with GSO oil as carrier.

Left vial A, right vial B under 365 UV light, sample with GSO oil as carrier.

Left vial A, right vial B under 365 UV light, sample with MCT oil as carrier. Check the sample wit MCT oil a few hours later; there is still slow chemical reaction active. Vial A will be violet, vial B green under UV light.

Left vial A, right vial B under 365 UV light, sample with MCT oil as carrier.

Left vial A, right vial B under 365 UV light, raw powder.

Left vial A, right vial B under 365 UV light, raw powder.